Essential Item Distribution, 3-7pm


Essential School Materials will be available for pick up at Wickliffe on Thursday, September 3rd from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. This includes all of our Online Academy students too. We will distribute all items at the front entrance off of Wickliffe Road. We ask that you have a piece of paper ready to hand us with your child’s current grade, teacher's name, and student's name. If you have more than one child please create a paper to hand us for each child. 

  • Example:
    • 2nd Grade
    • Pilutti
    • Laura Smith


Our top priority during distribution is safety and doing our best to adhere to distancing requirements.  

·       Pick up will be a ‘drive-thru’ process off of Wickliffe Road

·       Please pull as far forward as possible to allow other vehicles space behind you.

·       If you are picking up another family’s bags, please put their information on a different piece of paper. 

·       Please do not exit your vehicle.  We will be modeling social distancing.

·       Please have your face mask on upon arrival.

·       Please do not come if you have a fever above 100.4. (You may send someone else to pick up your child’s materials.)


Thursday, September 3, 2020 3:00pm